Other Projects / Links

Cheryl's Children's Home

Founded in 1999 in the slums of Kibera, Cheryl's is home to, cares for, or educates more than 200 children.  Cheryl's is a place where children are loved.  It is a place created to put hope in children's eyes.


Stephen Lewis Foundation

The Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF) supports community-based organizations that are turning the tide of HIV/AIDS in Africa.  Their funding works in four areas:

-to provide care at the community level to women who are ill and struggling to survive, so that their lives can be free from pain, humiliation and indignity;


-to assist orphans and other AIDS-affected children in every possible way, from the payment of school fees to the provision of food;


-to support the unsung heroes of Africa, the grandmothers, who bury their own children and care for their orphan grandchildren;


-to support associations of people living with HIV/AIDS — courageous men and women who have openly declared their status - so that they can educate themselves and share information with their broader communities on prevention, treatment, care and the elimination of stigma.


Since 2003, SLF has supported nearly 300 grassroots projects in 15 sub-Saharan African countries.


Mr. Lewis is a passionate advocate for human rights and is not afraid to speak out loud. Leaders in this foundation are creative, courageous and generous. They have a number of worthwhile initiatives on the go, most recently supporting rape victims in DRC. The Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign is unique and powerful and has empowered this generation of women around the world.


The United Nations

The United Nations is there for us all but it needs constant reminders to keep resolutions such as 1820 and 1325 on the table.


Resolution 1325 is the first resolution ever passed by the Security Council that specifically addresses the impact of war on women, and women's contributions to conflict resolution and sustainable peace.

Security Council Resolution 1820 condemns the use of sexual violence against women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations.


Association for Women's Rights in Development

AWID’s mission is to strengthen the voice, impact and influence of women’s rights advocates, organizations and movements internationally to effectively advance the rights of women.

AWID believes that women’s rights are not only necessary in and of themselves, but that they are central to ending the challenges the world faces today. Eradicating poverty, building peace, effectively tackling the HIV and AIDS pandemics, to name just a few – no lasting solutions to these issues are possible without a strategy that puts women’s rights at the centre. AWID works to build a world where women’s rights have been achieved and where all people enjoy their human rights.


The Leading Note Foundation

The mandate of The Leading Note Foundation is to give children from under-served communities the opportunity to learn and make music together and the chance to benefit from the individual skills and community values that are inherent in music-making.


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